In the past month
Advanced Social/Media Services, your global social media consultancy, has picked up a number of new clients and projects.
First off, we ran a one day course at the Irish Writers Centre July 14th, which was so oversubscribed a second one day course was organised on August 11th to deal with the overflow. Both courses were very well received with many compliments from participants and the centre. They were a wonderful experience for all and had a wide mix of people taking part in a very practical workshop.
Second, we have been invited to run an 8 week one-evening-a-week course at the Centre for Creative Practice in Dublin on How to Get your Work noticed from September 19. Details
here. I look forward to working with people from all backgrounds to help them get the most from social media in the most creative ways possible.
Third, we have new clients for our consultancy including a leading Irish
diamond jeweler, Turkey's most prominent
event management company and one of Ireland's leading
publishing companies. In addition our contract to manage a blog for a London
property agency has been extended.
Fourth, our guide
Social Media is Dynamite is nearing completion and will be available in September from Amazon. If you want to read a pre-publication copy for free email: lpob at All we ask in return is that you reply with some comments on what you thought. This offer will close at the end of August 2012.
Below is an image of the 5 star hotel in Istanbul where our events management client in Turkey holds many events.