Images work!
- On Facebook, videos are shared twelve times more than text posts and links combined
- Photos are Liked twice as much as text only updates
- 42% of all Tumblr posts are pictures
- Pinterest, the photo-driven social media phenomenon, is now referring more traffic than Twitter, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn and Google Plus
We may see a visual split soon, where ebook readers allow easy reading of text and many other sites go mostly visual. Is your site visual or are you ignoring the elephant in the room?
To support this site - over 60 free posts so far on social media for you to explore - please buy one of my novels, The Istanbul Puzzle or The Jerusalem Puzzle or my guide to social media. And enjoy!
To support this site - over 60 free posts so far on social media for you to explore - please buy one of my novels, The Istanbul Puzzle or The Jerusalem Puzzle or my guide to social media. And enjoy!

I have seen huge emphasis placed on slide shares and streaming in high definition to make visual a message with remarkable affect. Utilizing apps available to apply whats needed to realize a message or feed all can relate to , instead of long winded editorials downloaded.
ReplyDeleteGreat photo. Who would have thought possible? Dreams into reality. Jackie Kingon